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Trapping is an important economic activity for many regions. By properly using this renewable resource, several businesses and workers highlight the beauty of this exceptional product.


Photo d'une fourrure

Although there has been a significant decline in fur prices in the last decades, and although there has been a loss of habitat as well as development of many fur farms, trapping activity still generates substantial income. For instance, the fur industry generated 800 million dollars for the Canadian economy in 2013. Globally, Quebec is a very important province in terms of fur sales followed closely by Ontario.

Other than the sale of fur, trapping generates important economic activity through the expenses of trappers. In Quebec, this economic activity is estimated at over 12 million dollars in 2012. Regionally, trapping is recognized as an important driver for the economy. Moreover, trapping allows the harvest of food, clothing and supplemental income, which is often times very significant for families of trappers living in rural or remote areas.

Optimal Use

Photo d'un ours brun

For most trappers, trapping is often limited to capturing animals and marketing raw skins. Fur is therefore the main products from their operation, but it is not the only one. Optimal use of animals may include several other uses. Once the fur has been removed, the meat of certain species can be prepared and eaten. In this respect, beaver, muskrat, lynx, black bear and squirrel are absolutely delicious!

Parts of other animals such as claws or teeth may also be used and sold for crafts. You may not know this but the fat of certain animals can even be transformed into soap!

Learn more: Black bear, a great harvest

Fat and soap
Fat and soap


Follow up readings

Outdoor activity

Trapping requires proper preparation in the field, as well as a follow-up of sets which leads to this activity being practiced all year round. Trapping allows the trapper to be outdoors throughout all seasons. It is a great opportunity to experience a privileged connection with the environment.

In touch with nature